The fishing in Ossau


The ultimate fishing destination is here in the Ossau Valley. Be careful, it bites !
  •  - © paysdebearn-adrienb-cathalinat
The Ossau Valley has a dense and varied fishing network offering fishermen a wide range of sectors : torrents, rivers (here called «gaves»), mountain lakes… These “playgrounds” are home to a lush aquatic fauna: brown trout, arctic char…

Opening of the fishery from 9 March to 15 September 2024
For lakes located at more than 1000 meters of altitude: from May 4 to October 6 inclusive 2024 except the lakes of Fabrèges open from March 9 to September 15, 2024.

Fishing in the Gave d'Ossau

A few kilometers from the Spanish border (Col du Pourtalet), the gave of Ossau (category 1) was born from the meeting of the gave of Bious and the gave of Brousset.
These two rivers cross the Pyrenees National Park and take their sources on either side of the Pic du Midi d'Ossau.
On its upper part, the gave of Ossau is a torrent that reveals its waterfalls and clear water basins to the most athletic fishermen. From Laruns to Arudy it meanders on an alluvial plain, which makes fishing more accessible.
The Ossau Valley, concerned about the halieutic heritage has created a No Kill course (restitution of fish in its natural environment with precautions) : a real fish farming paradise of 1000 meters in Laruns.
Practical information
  • Dominant fish: Brook trout; Brook trout; Arctic char; Rainbow trout
  • Techniques: flies; lures; knocks; natural baits
  • Fishing season: From March to September
  • Allowable catch: 10 fish, minimum 18 cm
Fishing in the Mountain Lakes

The numerous medium and high mountain lakes of the Ossau Valley are a mecca for hikers.
Most often natural and sometimes artificial, these lakes are a unique experience in the approach and setting of the practice. 

Going up towards the Spanish border, the lakes of Arrémoulit, Artouste, Bious-Artigues, Ayous and Fabrèges and on the side of the circus of Gourette, the lakes of Anglas (2068m), Uzious and Lavedan shelter brown trout, brook trout, minnows, goujons… and are only the best known of the 26 lakes counted in the Valley.

In view of the harsh climatic conditions on the high mountain lakes, hatcheries are organized every year by the APPMA of Laruns. 

For the less sporty, the lakes of Castet and Assouste offer an accessible playground and will delight all nature lovers.

Practical information
Dominant fish: Trout fario; Brook trout; Rainbow trout
Techniques: launched; flies; bombette; English
Fishing period: From June to early October
Allowable catch: 10 fish, minimum 18 cm
  • Sale of fishing cards in tourist information offices
  • Sale of fishing equipment and live bait at the Blueberries store in Laruns
  • During the fishing season, bait sales at Carrefour Market in Arudy
  • More information on
The fish farms of the Valley
Pisciculture des Sources in Laruns (fishing and sales) 
Tel. + 33 (0)6 89 88 56 64

Fish farming Ossau trout in Pédéhourat (sale only)
Tel. + 33 (0)6 45 52 14 08
Leave at dawn with his fishing rod and his keepnet, make an approach walk up the gave of Ossau. 
Indulge in his technique, for my part fly, arm with patience and raise a beautiful catch !