

Under the flight of vultures

Aste, a promontory overlooking the glacial valley

In the village, you'll notice the symbol of the valley on the façade of the town hall: the bear (from which Ossau may have derived its origin) and the cow, identifying the pastoral world.
The village has a summer pasture area with the Port d'Aste (the gateway to the high mountains) and its barns ...

Béon, home to vultures

The district, at an altitude of 450m, is an ancient seigneury of the Vicomté de Béarn. The altarpiece and paintings in the church are well worth seeing.
Overlooking the village, the cracks of the Pène de Béon are home to Egyptian Griffon Vultures and Percnoptera, which can sometimes be seen circling in the sky.
Béon also has its own barn district (Port de Béon).