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Monsieur Jean-Mi GOUADAIN - Accompagnateur montagne et VTT

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Opening day(s)

From Saturday 14 June to Sunday 14 September 2025

Every day


In the heart of the Atlantic Pyrenees, in the Ossau Valley, Jean Mi Gouadain, mountain guide and state-qualified mountain bike instructor, offers mountain bike outings for all levels. With more than ten years of experience in mountain biking in the Pyrenees and in the Ossau Valley, Jean Mi will share with you his love for the Ossalois mountains and his passion for mountain biking. From adventure to mountain biking, from beginner to expert, through his enduro rides, Jean Mi knows the terrain like the back of his hand and his downhill rides will be adapted to the level and expectations of everyone. For more conviviality, groups of 6 people of the same level maximum.


Tarif de base42.00€


Monsieur Jean-Mi GOUADAIN - Accompagnateur montagne et VTT
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 42.9961730
Longitude : -0.4137962