A small train, a cable car, lakes, dams, power plants ... these are the characters of this industrial adventure




The Train of the Hydro-electricity


Many people have heard of the Artouste Train but few know its history. Here is a day to go back in time and evoke this industrial, human and social adventure.
An agent of the SHEM (Société Hydro-Electrique du Midi) will reveal all the secrets of the site: underground factory, train wintering tunnel, operation of the dam.
The day will end at the Béarn-Pont de Camps centre, the former homes of the workers who built these works, with a snack.

Organization : 

Appointment at 7:45 am in Laruns or 8:15 am in Artouste
Carpooling or personal vehicle to the parking of Lake Fabrèges (35 minutes from Laruns).
Departure Gondola and Train from Artouste (1 hour round trip/ 1 hour back) to reach the lake and the dam
200 m elevation gain, 2 hours walk, 5 hours activity
End of the day at the center Béarn-Pont de Camps, former dwellings of the workers who built these works, for a snack.

Applicable child rate : 10 to 12 years 

Number of participants : 4 to 12 people max
In short
  • Category :
    • Activity
    • Guided walks
  • Theme :
    • Rando Pédestre
  • Level of practice :
    • intermédiaire - moyen
  • Duration :
    • à la journée
  • Recommended age :
    • 10 ans
  • From :
    • 48
  • Equipment required :
    • Casquette
    • Crème solaire
    • Bouteille ou gourde d'eau
    • Pique-nique
    • Collation
    • Sac à dos avec effets personnels
    • Coupe-vent
    • Polaire
    • Chaussure de randonnée (tiges montantes et bonnes semelles)
    • Lunette de soleil
  • The price includes :
    • L'activité encadrée par un professionnel diplômé
    • Le matériel spécifique à la pratique
  • The price does not include :
    • Les frais de transport
    • Les assurances
    • Les tenues, effets personnels
    • Le pique-nique
  • Cancellation and/or refund policy :
    • si la sortie est annulée par le prestataire en raison des conditions météorologiques
    • pour des motifs exceptionnels sur présentation de justificatifs comme la maladie, un accident…
